Tag Archive for: Pontoons

Get Your New Pontoon Before Christmas
Get Your New Pontoon Before Christmas
With less than 14 weeks to go for Christmas and our summer time production just about at capacity, if you were thinking of a new pontoon before Christmas then you better be quick. With local council approvals…

Dedicated to the product
Aqua Pontoons is a dedicated team of professionals who strive to achieve 100% customer satisfaction, Led by Simon Dyer a veteran of the marine industry with over 20 years experience in marina construction and development, along with residential…

Aluminium Fabrication
At Aqua Pontoons our team are made up of some very experienced boiler makers to fabricate the many aluminium parts that are included in our pontoons. A big percentage of the components used to make up a pontoon installation are aluminium.Aluminium…

Building Better Pontoons
Aqua Pontoons has always been a very strict company when it comes to quality, price and customer service. Our new factory location at 49 Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin has allowed us to further enhance our quality control and deliver an even…

The Light Weight Aluminium Series Pontoons
For quiet sometime Aqua Pontoons has been building a light weight version pontoon, in place of using the typical concrete deck pontoon the light weight series is far more flexible in its applications. From water frontage with very low tidal…

Aqua Pontoons HAS Moved
With the big move COMPLETED this weekend just gone, thanks to a big effort from #teamaqua. The Pontoons can now start to flow out again and production is now set to higher than ever before and with even higher Q.A standards. One of the BIG advantages of…

Pontoon trends for 2015
With trends and styles always changing in todays world many people would think that a pontoon was a pontoon and there wasn't a whole lot that one could do to make it look stylish and beautiful, but...There are many ways that pontoons can…

Time to upgrade your pontoon?
Did you know we trade-in old pontoons? Is it time to upgrade to a bigger, better stronger Aqua Pontoon. With boats getting bigger and better everyday, it is easy to run out of space on your pontoon so why not consider upgrading to a pontoon…

Its all about the finished product
In this weeks blog I wanted to show you a little bit of the work we have completed and the passion and dedication that goes into all of our products and services. From Cairns QLD to Yamaba NSW and all the way over in Western Australia and Internationally…

GUEST BLOG: Out with the old timber jetties and in with the new pontoons
Guest Blogger, Ross Meadows: This week I have taken over the Aqua Pontoons Blog as Simon is busy building pontoons. For those of you that don't know me I have worked with Simon for many years in the pontoon industry and really enjoyed my time,…