Building Better Pontoons
Aqua Pontoons has always been a very strict company when it comes to quality, price and customer service. Our new factory location at 49 Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin has allowed us to further enhance our quality control and deliver an even…
Top 5 Funniest Boat TV Commercials
After seeing a funny boating TV commercial this week I thought it was time that we do some "valuable" research time to find the funnest boating TV commercials. Here are the funniest boating influenced TV commercials I could find, ENJOY!Number…
The Light Weight Aluminium Series Pontoons
For quiet sometime Aqua Pontoons has been building a light weight version pontoon, in place of using the typical concrete deck pontoon the light weight series is far more flexible in its applications. From water frontage with very low tidal…
Aqua Pontoons HAS Moved
With the big move COMPLETED this weekend just gone, thanks to a big effort from #teamaqua. The Pontoons can now start to flow out again and production is now set to higher than ever before and with even higher Q.A standards. One of the BIG advantages of…